Thursday, November 04, 2010

Nines to infinity

In mathematics, the repeating decimal 0.999... which may also be written as 0.9̇ or 0.(9), denotes a real number that can be shown to be the number one. In other words, the symbols 0.999... and 1 represent the same number.


Confusing :S? Or not ? ;)

1 comment:

  1. 0.999... = lim n->infinity of (sum from i=1 to n of (9*10^(-i))) = 1

    floor(0.999...) = floor(lim n->infinity of (sum from i=1 to n of (9*10^(-i)))) = floor(1) = 1

    [ floor(x) = max{integer z where z <= x} ]

